A number of NoSQL vendors are trying to repackage partition obliviousness as if it were partition tolerance. I define the terms, illustrate the differences, and bust three myths related to partition tolerance.
We have a huge, emerging industry called NoSQL, and yet there is no proper definition of what it is. This post identifies the problem and proposes a constructive, useful definition.
HyperDex 1.0RC3 offers support for Ruby, OSX and CentOS.
This manifesto defines some commandments on how to document systems software.
MongoDB is really broken when it comes to fault-tolerance.
HyperDex Warp brings multi-object ACID transactions to NoSQL

When Data is Worthless

MongoDB may be a bad choice even when you can afford to lose some data.
MongoDB claims that it provides fault-tolerance. In this note, I explain why and how it falls short.
Why a blog on distributed systems for everyday developers.