The newest release of HyperDex includes a new binary distribution suitable for use on most recent versions of Linux. It was compiled for maximum portability, and should work on any recent Linux system built on top of glibc.
Installing this new binary distribution is a two step process that consists of fetching the release, and untarring it in the directory of your choice. For example, to install into /usr/local, run:
$ wget
$ sudo tar xzvf hyperdex-1.4.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local
Then add the directory /usr/local/hyperdex/bin to your path, and you're all set to run HyperDex.
Installing into an alternate location is almost as easy. To install into your home directory, follow the following steps:
$ wget
$ tar xzvf hyperdex-1.4.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C ${HOME}
$ export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/hyperdex/bin
$ export REPLICANT_EXEC_PATH=${HOME}/hyperdex/libexec/replicant-0.6.3
$ export HYPERDEX_EXEC_PATH=${HOME}/hyperdex/libexec/hyperdex-1.4.5
$ export HYPERDEX_COORD_LIB=${HOME}/hyperdex/libexec/hyperdex-1.4.5/libhyperdex-coordinator
That's all there is to it. The binary release works on all major Linux distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS.
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